Celina Dubin

Doctor in New York

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Celina Dubin (MD) graduated from Mount Sinai Medical School with a distinction in research in May 2022. Dubin is currently a resident physician in New York City, where she is training to become a dermatologist. During her time at Mount Sinai, Dr. Dubin was selected to be a head teaching assistant in anatomy, a senior tutor, and a member of the admissions committee.

Dr. Dubin has co-authored multiple scientific publicationsfrom her dermatology research in peer-reviewed, high impact medical journals.

When not researching Celina enjoys competing in triathlons, travel, and writing.

Celina Dubin MD is a Board Member and Head of Strategy & Organization at SAFE: Scrubs Addressing the Firearm Epidemic

  • Work
    • Graduated to Doctor 2022
  • Education
    • Harvard University.
    • Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai