Chad Gorshing

IT Director in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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I have worked in the software industry for 20 years. I have been involved with Secret projects for the Air Force, small 5 person companies, and IT Director for multi-billion dollar retail companies. I have contributed to Open Source projects through Github and have been a part of startups that have failed but I have not. I'm always looking for that great team to be a part of and to help leave the world better than I found it. I've done consulting in the past and enjoy delivering value for customers as well as companies.

Married to my High School sweetheart, involved in a few programming community groups around OKC, prior member of Bricktown Rotary and Rotarian of the Year, and still looking for more to help out with. Proud Oklahoman.

  • Work
    • Nuisto
  • Education
    • Southwestern Oklahoma State University