Chad Henson

Founder and CEO of ClearFiber in Morgantown, West Virginia

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Chad Henson is a Morgantown, WV entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO of ClearFiber Inc., an internet service provider operating in Monongalia and Marion Counties of West Virginia. He started his first highly successful VoIP venture in 2010 while still in college with just $50,000 in seed money from a family friend under the name of Kvant, which in Swedish means "Speed of Light," he set out with a few servers and a makeshift data center and began programming the code for his new VoIP offering. In addition to the technical programming and equipment installation side of the latest business, he acted as the company's sales and marketing agent, winning clients from major local industries, including call centers, medical practices, and many other East Coast business owners.

After Chad's first Morgantown venture, he launched other electronics and telecommunication services before starting ClearFiber in 2017. Over the past years, under his helm, ClearFiber has experienced remarkable growth and success as he traveled a self-made journey in the business world of telecommunications. He honed his expertise in a wide range of emerging technologies, including fiber optics, wireless technologies, mobile networks, and fixed networks. In every project, he brings a wealth of firsthand experience and technical knowledge to bear when solving technical or business issues.

Chad Henson is a telecommunications - Internet, and fiber optics provider in Morgantown, WV. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree, emphasizing computers and telecommunications technology. While growing up in Morgantown, he demonstrated an exceptional knack for turning ideas into reality. Much of his telecommunications education has been gained by doing rather than listening. His passion for innovative and emerging technologies that reframe existing protocols has driven his multiple technical business ventures.

  • Work
    • ClearFiber Inc.