Chandler Lewis

Teacher in Nyack, New York

Chandler Lewis

Teacher in Nyack, New York

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As a teacher, my interest mostly lies at the intersection of what my students want to say and what my students are able to say. I credit Lyn Hejinian, one of my teachers in college, with a philosophical approach that solidifies the practice I most want to do and see students do in my classroom:

"Language discovers what one might know, which in turn is always less than what language might say. We encounter some limitations of this relationship early, as children. Anything with limits can be imagined (correctly or incorrectly) as an object, by analogy with other objects—balls and rivers. Children objectify language when they render it their plaything, in jokes, puns, and riddles, or in glossolaliac chants and rhymes. They discover that words are not equal to the world, that a blur of displacement, a type of parallax, exists in the relation between things (events, ideas, objects) and the words for them—a displacement produc­ing a gap."


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