Charles Scharf

Owner/President in Barrington, Illinois

Charles Scharf

Owner/President in Barrington, Illinois

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A civil engineer and business owner, Charles Scharf founded Erosion Specialists, Inc., a Barrington, IL, based engineering solutions provider that specializes in drainage systems. His Barrington, IL, firm owns the equipment it relies on to complete projects according to client specifications. His clients include municipal and state organizations, for which Erosion Specialists has carried out initiatives like constructing a nearly 130,000-foot retention lake, repairing a damaged river bank, and restoring an imperiled water shed.

As president of his engineering firm, Charles Scharf has attracted steady business over the past 30 years despite not advertising. He owes his success in part to consistent referrals driven by strong word of mouth. At its busiest, his firm contributed to its region’s economic health by employing more than 50 professionals on a full-time basis.

In his private life, he stays physically active by playing basketball whenever he can spare the time. He also pursues a love of collecting classic 1960s-era cars. His interest in automobiles has recently expanded to those designed by German manufacturers.

  • Work
    • Erosion Specialists Inc
  • Education
    • Southwestern College