Charmine E. J. Hartel

Business School Professor in Brisbane, Australia

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Charmine Härtel Full Professor and Chair of Inclusive Organisational Leadership and Employment at The University of Queensland Business School in Brisbane Australia. She is Fellow of SIOP, the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), Australian Institute of Management, and Australian Human Resources Institute, recipient of the Elton Mayo Award for outstanding contributions to organizational psychology, and recipient of supervisor awards from ANZAM and two Australian universities. Charmine takes a strengths-based strategic approach to career and organization development, which she has written widely on, including her book aimed at educators and practitioners, “Human Resource Management” (Pearson).

The core driver of Charmine's 30 some years of research and consulting activities can be summarized in three questions:

• What organizational qualities and practices contribute simultaneously to economic, environmental, and human health and wellbeing for all stakeholders including workers, customers, and the community?

• What leadership qualities and practices do such organizations require?

• How can we improve health at work and the availability of healthy work for all members of the community?

  • Work
    • The University of Queensland
  • Education
    • University of Colorado Boulder
    • Colorado State University