charu mehrotra

Director in Singapore

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Greetings, I’m Charu Mehrotra. I’m the founder of e-Magazine Womenlines promoting excellence in women. Through my previous ventures Udaan- Indian Women Entrepreneur's Group In Singapore, NCStyles, Mystic Summerz I have experienced entrepreneurship amazingly. My present ventures are Earngo and e-Magazine Womenlines promoting excellence in women. Entrepreneurship has become a way of my life and I am loving it. Through Womenlines I want to promote excellence in women and report about anything from around the world which can help women in some way. I strongly believe that women are blessed with incredible powers and if they are empowered with right mindset and knowledge they can create a beautiful life for themselves and their family.

I believe "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"-Helen Keller.and want to give womenfolk platform of Womenlines to share, learn, plan, network, promote and care for each other together. If you deal with any product or service which can be useful to womenfolk reach out to me at to get published at Womenlines.