Stephan Berrouet Durand


Born and raised in Haiti, Stephan Berrouet Durand is an award winning and highly acclaimed Chef and Culinary Ambassador traveling the world promoting Haiti’s gastronomy. Using his passion for Haiti, Chef Stephan has made a name for himself by representing his country’s gastronomy as a Culinary Ambassador. He has been invited to represent Haiti in a number of events with the Ministry of Tourism, Haitian Embassy in Venezuela, Haitian Embassy in Washington, D.C., cooking for the Ambassador at the Embassy and at the World Bank as the featured Chef at Montreal en Lumière Food Festival. He has participated in Bolto Touristico del Caribe in Santo Domingo and brought home two medals including the silver medal for his signature dish the “Paella Creole” with the indigenous “Djondjon” Mushroom from Haiti. Chef Stephan also presented Haiti’s flavors in Hello Santo Domingo, A Taste of Haiti in Ireland by Haven Foundation just to name a few. In addition, he has become the face of the culinary movement in Haiti as the initiator and Chef host of “Gout et Saveurs Lakay” Haiti Food & Spirits Festival and was featured in the first video of Haiti’s national tourism campaign “ Let me take you to discover Haiti”. The Minister of Tourism Stephanie Balmir Villedrouin has recognized Chef Stephan on numerous occasions for his support, dedication and contribution for the promotion of Haiti’s gastronomy and the development of the countries culinary industry. Chef Stephan combines the flavors of his home country with other Latin and Caribbean flavors to create extraordinary food. He also draws inspiration from recipes of Louisiana’s Creole cuisine and American Soul Food. His love for food started since his early teens when he and his brother would cook together for their mother, but his “Baptême de Feux” came his senior year in high school when he got an opportunity to work with his cousin Chef Patrick Beaulieu. During his early college year, he would start his own catering business and would cook for college friends and family while pursuing a degree in Hotel & Restaurant Management. While continuing his studies, he spent a year in Haiti interning at one of the top hotels “El Rancho”. When he came back to the states he decided to postpone his studies in Hospitality Management and attend Johnson & Wales, one of the most recognized institutions in the industry. While attending Johnson & Wales University, Stephan received many accolades as a young culin

  • Work
    • Culinary by Design
  • Education
    • Johson & Wales University