Cheryl Powers

Change Agent in the United States

Cheryl Powers

Change Agent in the United States

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I am a Change Agent at Align Strategic and a Partner at Objective Management Group currently living in United States. My interests range from executive development to sales alignment and sales recruitment. I am a keynote speaker, writer, and the creator of Align Sales Academy, Breakthrough Performance Academy, Sales Hiring Academy. I am most interested in helping CEOs and elite sales teams double the speed of their growth by tapping into their innate superpowers. I provide CEOs, presidents, and business leaders answers to the most important questions that must be answered to reach and sustain breakthrough levels of performance as well as the tools to reach breakthrough faster and more effectively. My firm, Align Strategic recruits and develops elite sales and sales leadership talent for Fortune 1000 companies and startups that need to move the needle with fully aligned, agile, and effective sales forces.

My upcoming books, Aligned to Sell: The CEOs Guide to Creating Breakthrough and The Best Sales Management Conversation You'll Ever Have are scheduled for release in 2017.

You can click the button above to visit my website. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below.

  • Work
    • Align Strategic | Objective Management Group