Advanced Chiropractic Greenville, South Carolina
Greenville, South Carolina
Hello, I’m Dr. Allen Wentworth. I’m the lead chiropractor at Advanced Chiropractic of South Carolina.
I entered the chiropractic profession because I care about science and I care about sports. Coming from my own experiences in bodybuilding and powerlifting as a teen and beyond – winning Mr. Teenage Georgia and obtaining over 40 Powerlifting Titles at the National level – human physiology and wellness became a part of me.
I took this interest and my accomplishment educationally and cognitively – as a member of MENSA – and applied it to my personal life.
My sister missed an entire year of school because of TMJ – temperomandibular joint disorder. The pain in her jaw was very severe. After she was assessed by many dentists and doctors it was a chiropractor that finally found relief for my sister. This fueled my interest in chiropractic care and moved me to become a chiropractor myself.
When I am not healing my patients, I love to be with my children. I work out with my son Brant most days and love to sit and read with my daughter Olivia.
Contact Us:
225 Halton Rd Suite A
Greenville, SC 29607
(864) 286-0660