Chris Pawelski
Iowa City Iowa United States
Chris Pawelski
Iowa City Iowa United States
I'm a fourth generation farmer, married to the same wonderful woman, Eve since 1990 and the proud father of two wonderful sons, Caleb & Jonah.
When I'm not stuck in the muck at home I'm mired in the muck in Washington DC and Albany, NY, working on public policy issues in behalf of farmers. I've written a yet to be published memoir, "Muckville: Farm Policy, Media and the Strange Oddities of Semi-Rural Life." It details my wife and I's experiences living on the farm and working on public policy issues affecting agriculture in Washington DC.
I now, thanks to a connection made on, have formally signed with Elisabeth B. Dabney Literary Services and Elizabeth Balster Dabney! I have now been contacted by a producer interested in producing a series based on my life, farm, family & experiences on the farm and in DC.
For over 17 years I've been a spokesperson for the farming community and I've appeared in the media hundreds of times over the years, including on CNN, CBS Evening News, WABC-TV NYC, The NY Times, Fox News Latino, Univision and I have even quoted in, believe it or not, Vogue. While doing all that I'm also posting my wacky musings on my blog, Facebook and Twitter. Follow me on them, you will be amused! I've also started a public policy organization called Farmroot. Farmroot focuses on public policy issues connected with specialty crops, mainly vegetables and fruits.
The website is
One of my numerous media appearances over the years, is about an unusual eBay ad I had. This is a blog link which provides the backstory:
This link is a blog posting that provides details regarding my profile pic & that magazine cover story. Yes, that is former Sec. of State and Sen. Hillary Clinton's signature!