Christopher Golis
Writer in Sydney, Australia
Christopher Golis
Writer in Sydney, Australia
Executives who attend my workshops learn to recognise the hidden core emotions of people and then the skills to develop self- and social mastery. People drive performance; emotions drive people; but most important of all temperament drives emotions. I teach practical emotional intelligence based on the Humm-Wadsworth model of temperament.
My elder daughter had been headhunted to become a manager of 30 people before she was 30. Looking for advice, she asked me what books she should read. I told her that the most important characteristic of successful managers was good people skills. However I was stumped for a recommendation and decided to write the book myself. Thus The Humm Handbook: Lifting Your Level of Emotional Intelligence was born.
My career started with IBM in 1967 after I graduated from Cambridge University where I studied Psychology. I then did a full-time MBA at the London Business School (1971-3) graduating with a distinction. On the advice of his tutor, the well-known management author, Charles Handy, I became a salesperson with ICL Australia. There I first learnt about the Humm which is the only profiling technology that analyses a person's temperament in terms of seven core emotions. I subsequently used the Humm very successfully in business career ranging from salesperson, general manager, merchant banker and venture capitalist for 25 years. During that time I was a director of some 30 companies where I gained a solid and practical grounding in dealing with people, particularly in high pressure, conflict situations.
I have written two other books: Enterprise & Venture Capital–A Business Builders' and Investors' Handbook (Allen&Unwin) now its fifth edition, Empathy Selling-The New Sales Technique for the 21st Century,
I have developed keynote talks and workshops training over 10,000 people over the past 20 years. My content is very practical and teaches you useful people skills and how to handle corporate psychopaths and bullies.