Chriss Diaz

Berkeley, CA

I combine shamanic energy healing, reiki energy healing, qigong energy healing, therapeutic and spiritual counseling, life coaching, readings, somatic bodywork infused with healing energy, fitness and nutrition consulting, and many more modalities to facilitate lasting changes in people’s lives. Sessions are available in any of these modalities or in any combination.

I also offer training, mentoring and apprenticeship in several healing modalities and spiritual traditions. I've created the "One World Healing Community" that teaches a model for healthy and happy living.

What is supportive of a healthy body, mind, heart, spirit, relationship, family, community and society. Here you will find support for and learn what is life-giving in every aspect of our lives, culture and society. Not just nutritionally for example, but emotionally, spiritually, in our relationships, at work, in our physical activity, in our thoughts, in how we relate to one another, etc

No dogmas, just learning what supports our bodies, our life and our world.

Gatherings, classes, workshops and community

This is a project of One World Healing community and the result of lifelong developments of remedies to the programmed (brainwashed/conditioning) we receive in a gaia-cidal culture (lending to decay and destruction, devolution of humans and to one's physical, emotional, mental and soul health). We have found that remedies do not happen piecemeal, but only in an encompassing supportive structure of all of who we are as humans. We cannot be whole only addressing the health of our bodies. Neither can we become whole merely freeing our minds. The same can be said of our spirit, for we exist in physical form as well. Nor can we merely be concerned with the self, for as a quantum universe, everything we do has an effect on everyone and everything else.

  • Work
    • Holistic Healing