Christian Azcue

International Business in Lima Region, Peru

When I started my studies of management at the university, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to become or to work as. I only knew that I wanted to be a business person and that I really liked to think about strategies, when I was younger I liked to play strategy games, I really liked to think about the future movements of the other participants of the game and created strategies to win it.

I think business management is about anticipating the changes in the environment and adapting to it to get the results you want to obtain. Obviously, as there are too many factors influencing all industries, it's always uncertain whether your strategy will prevail or not, but to win you have to take risks, you may fail sometimes but you will also learn.

I'm not the kind of person who thinks that we have to fail first to learn how to win. I know there's almost always a probability of failing. I think if we fail, we have not just to learn about it, we have to look for a solution and to take action! We learn by thinking about what went wrong but also by looking for solutions and taking action. The truth is that we all are always learning, but by taking action we confirm whether what we've learned is still right or not.

We learn from our own experiences but we also learn from other's experiences.

If you're the kind of person who doesn't stay in just thinking but also takes action, I invite you to be part of my network, to share experiences and to learn from each other.

  • Education
    • Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Montpellier