Christopher J. Parker

Lecturer in UX Design and Podcaster in Loughborough, United Kingdom

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Hi, I'm Chris

I'm a lecturer, a researcher, a podcaster (, a Senior HEA Fellow, and father of 1. I research how advanced tech persuades our actions and teach UX Design at Loughborough University.

I love how design transforms our lives and emotions: a subject that has taken over my bookshelves! Whenever I can, I visit China to teach, collaborate on design projects, and recruit the next generation of UX designers.

I am now recruiting PhD Students in UX Design. Click the MESSAGE button below to find out more.

嗨,我是克里斯。我是设计学的博士,主要研究消费者对电子商务的参与,我在拉夫堡大学教授用户体验,并且持有Senior Fellow。我YouTube的用户名是:Design eLearning Tutorials。我对于设计如何改变我们的生活和情感有一种痴迷,这个主题已经占据了我的书架!每当我去中国访问和做交流,我都会对这个国家的文化和语言有着极深的兴趣。简而言之,我是一个生命力的书呆子。

  • Work
    • Loughborough University
  • Education
    • Loughborough University (PhD)
    • University of Portsmouth (BSc)