Chris Noessel

Consultant, Writer, and Public Speaker in San Francisco, California

Chris Noessel

Consultant, Writer, and Public Speaker in San Francisco, California

As a veteran of the UX field, I design products, services, and strategy for a variety of domains, including health, financial, and consumer. In prior experience I've developed interactive kiosks and spaces for museums, helped to visualize the future of counter-terrorism, built prototypes of coming technologies for Microsoft, and designed telehealth devices to accommodate the crazy facts of modern healthcare. Over the past 8 years I’ve focused my career on designing for artificial intelligence, and have published books on it.

My spidey sense goes off about random topics, and this has led me to speak at conferences about a wide range of things including interactive narrative, ethnographic user research, interaction design, sex-related interactive technologies, free-range learning, and, most recently, the relationship between science fiction and interface design. I was one of the founding graduates of the now-passing-into-legend Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy, where my grad thesis was a service design for lifelong learners called Fresh.

I have published _Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction_, _About Face_ (4th Edition), and _Designing Agentive Technology: AI That Works for People_.I am currently writing a book about how AI can both assist and make people smarter.

  • Work
    • IBM, Cooper/DesignIt, MSFT
  • Education
    • University of Houston, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea