Musician, Writer, and Filmmaker in Texas


Musician, Writer, and Filmmaker in Texas

Multifaceted, multi-instrumental, producer, I create a wide range of music: acoustic, electric, rock, metal, folk, blues, electronic and yes I’m for hir, contact me with inquiries.

I created SouthernSongsLTD a record label, a creative collective as a solution to release my music, writing, and film.

I record on both analog and digitally a quick list of what I us: Tascam Porta 2 - cassette 4 track, MacBook Pro, SSL +2, Abelton, Logic Pro, ProTools, GarageBand, Nuendo, Adobe Audition and much more for films.

I've had the pleasure of workIng and performing with many amazing artists
Willie Nelson, Dale Watson, Cliff Brown Jr - King Tears - Goat Thrower, Bill Baird {{SUNSET}} - Milton Mapes - JennyAnyKind - The Frydaddys - The Last Band NYC - The Omegans - Ovosnave - Cunning Runts - Invasion - The Nude Bomb - Adam Link Robot - Goodsey Greene - Sazerac - CBROWNJR

  • Work
    • SouthernSongsLTD