Jana Clinton
Entreprenuer in Utah
Jana Clinton
Entreprenuer in Utah
Jana Clinton is an entreprenuer, fashion editor, oil & gas investor, following a successful 27 year career in corporate america as an executive for Nordstrom. Jana's skill set is the ability to leverage consecutive growth annually and to follow trends both from the consumer side and social media.
Jana has seeked preventative programs in the Health and Wellness Industry for Women, over the past decade for many personal reasons from aging concerns, diabetes too cancer. She is inspired to live a healthy lifestyle and impact her family and friends in a postiive way. Jana travels constantly to be with her family and 5 grandchildren.
She enjoys woking with the platfom of Women Life Connected and the Co-Founders on projects for Healty Lifestyles for Women. "My desire to help others build confidence, feel amazing while living their fullest life possible is a dream come true, and aligns with the core values of Women Life Connected. As long-time friends and Co-Founders we bring our life & business resources to (WLC) platform. My desire to share with others and help impact your health in a preventative way so you can experience health wellness at it's truest form.
Jana is extremely busy, while supporting her husband Mark in his key role with athletics and other committments as a volunteer. She enjoys editing women's apparel for her fashion blog called Shop Nordy. Visit: http://ShopNordy.com