kelly~Jean RIce

San Francisco, Ca

This is the part where you find out everything you need to know right now, for now. I am Bi Polar. I am a 34 year old woman. I live in the East Bay of California. I am an inspired writer, and creator of many sorts of media. I would say my work is on the surreal side of life and a bit dark in context, but also colorful and very textural. It thrives from my bi polar and my own mental health knowledge and experiences through life, and through empathy of others. I am currently in the first stages of going to my city's community college to work towards a certificate in digital media art. I'm not ashamed to tell you that I have been out of work, unemployed now, and am living on disability, have for over two years now. So with that time, I used it for therapy and getting my mental health on track, and of corse, still am. I was a professional dog walker/ pet sitter for six years, and also had an awesome coffee career in my teens and early 20's. As life goes on, we get older, live through tragedy, or just general life, and everything get's harder, more surreal, and so the mental mind changes. That has been my story. My mind will always be changing and fluctuating with fear, anxiety, mania, depression, super high's of empowerment, suicidal nightmares, and hopelessness, all to succeed in life. Medication has been my solution for now. Also I have an amazing boyfriend who supports my mental state and loves to learn about bi polar disorder and has blown my mind on how much he has changed, and I know he will be my partner in fighting this battle with me and help others as well. Also I really enjoy my time with my dog, which is silly to announce. There are things in which I've done that I have been very proud of, and I have also lived one of my life dreams, but there are a lot of mistakes that overpower the achievements, for the achievements are gone and past, and have not amounted to anything in my present, except experience. I have to re-live every moment. I have to explode every day. I have to achieve something every day, I have to promote something everyday, to move forward, or I'll never get anywhere. The things I do, they all mean something when collected, or followed, or seen as a whole, I actually have not just one style though, maybe it's a general theme. I use the human condition as a main theme mostly to my writing, but I also have such different styles and patterns. Art. I am the artist, when you create things daily, and have no control

  • Work
    • Creative what-ever's
  • Education
    • Self tought