Dawn Elder

San Antonio

An Athlete's Perspective:

"Dawn gets you where you want to be in life. Sometimes swimming, biking and running don't even have to be involved." - Monica Caban

"Since having Dawn as my coach this year I have made amazing improvement in triathlon and Ironman. She has taken the time to get to know me and understands the fitness goals I want to accomplish. There is no better coach I could ask for and I look forward to working with her for many years."- Herb Abrams

"In 3 years of coaching, Dawn has turned this tentative beginner into a confident athlete by believing enough in me to make me believe in myself." - Kris Cordova

But she will take you as close to the edge as you are willing to go as well. She is my coach. And I know when the start gun is fired - as long as I've done what she's asked of me - I'm gonna have a great day that changes you for the rest of your life. You pay her money for her coaching. What she gives you in return is priceless. Dr. Nick Milnor.


Dawn Elder's extensive background in multisport, fitness, martial arts and personal development gives her the unique ability to get results built on trust and the mutual commitment to achieve accomplishments worthy of her athlete's time, effort and energy.

In addition, Dawn's diverse range of personal and athletic successes allow her to reach deep inside her athletes and put all the pieces together for the win.

Using triathlon as a metaphor for life's journey, Dawn helps athletes of all skill levels to transform their personal abilities, overcome obstacles and enjoy the process from start to finish.

Living in San Antonio with her husband and three children, Dawn dedicates her time to training, racing and coaching. An avid swimmer, she has completed numerous Ironman races across the country including the 2012 World Championships in Kona.

To contact Dawn for information about her services and see if you meet the qualifications to become one of her athletes, email [email protected] with the phrase "I made that race my bitch" in the subject line.

  • Work
    • MBS Fitness