Christian O. Arana Navas

Javascript Developer and Software Engineer in Guatemala

Christian O. Arana Navas

Javascript Developer and Software Engineer in Guatemala

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This life is full of resources; my leading resource is the Internet.

I was born in Guatemala in 1994, and I have seen PCs since I have memory, and professionally I've worked with them since I was 12 years old.

My Passions are Coding, video games, and Teaching.

I was a teacher doing my three passions, mixing them by being a K-14 Computer Science Teacher for about five years.

My classes were based on coding little video games with Scratch for children and Unity3D using Assets for teenagers.

I'm a Backend Javascript Software Developer with seven years of professional experience. (9 years if you count teaching, personal projects, and little freelance work.)

Right now, I work for BairesDev as a Software Engineer.

I'm learning C# for Unity3D to become a Videogame Developer in the future.

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