Cody Boardman

Cody Boardman

Technology and People. These are the things I love.

Sales --> I'm an eleven year sales vet with an emphasis selling SaaS products and consulting services. I've built relationships with the CIOs, CMOs and CCOs at some of the biggest companies on the planet, and loved every minute of it.

In the end, sales is about driving revenue. My successes include being a seven year 'Presidents Club' award winner.

Geek --> I'm much more technically inclined than most sales people. I love learning about technology <social & mobile, computing, security> and I love gaming...

Learner --> Technology, psychology, human behavior, social data, business practices and systems.

Friend & Trusted Advisor --> I care about honesty, integrity, being upright and building lasting, meaningful relationships. I keep my word. Go ahead. Ask around!