Chris Irwin

Writer, Project Manager, and Web Developer in USA

Top 4 iPhone Bugs, Glitches, Problems and How To Fix Them

The iPhone is the first iPhone to offer 64 bit processing capabilities with its A7 processor. Apple has completely renovated the iOS for the device and the change in hardware as well as software of the device has led to a number of errors. And some app to record phone calls iphone or photo processing programs may work with problems. These errors appear at random and not all users suffer from them. Some users have been lucky and have not had even a single problem with the device, while some users have been plagued with various problems in their iPhones. These iPhone bugs range from hardware issues, of inconsistent user experience when using the software.

How to fix microphone not working bug for iPhone

Forgetting to remove the screen protector is the most likely reason for the microphone not working issue. Your device’s microphone needs to be open to perform optimally. Alternatively, it can be a software problem that is being caused by a buggy app. Try to find out using which app causes the microphone to start malfunctioning and uninstall it. If it is not a software issue, go to the Apple store and have your device replaced under the manufacturer warranty.

Blue Screen of Death iPhone bug

The BSOD bug for iPhone has been widely reported and many people have complained about getting a blue screen after the iOS crashes.

How to fix a BSOD bug for iPhone

Update your iOS to the latest version to fix the BSOD issue. Apple has introduced a patch with the 7.03 update that resolves this issue permanently.

How to fix the fingerprint scanner not working bug for iPhone

Always keep the screen clean, and wipe it a with a dry and soft cotton cloth. Update your iOS to the latest version and register your fingerprint once again using the upgraded scanning software.

How to fix the battery bug for iPhone

There are no fixes for this issue. Apple is offering to replace any device that faces such issues. Alternatively, you can try disabling push notification and turning off data and GPS to conserve battery. Turn off the wifi and Bluetooth network of your device so that they do not waste precious battery when you are not using these services. You can also download battery conserving app to further reduce the battery consumption of your iPhone.

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