Marcus Cook
From hungry Artist to humbled Interned. This SESAC affilliate Cook came a far way from Burlington, NJ. After years of just rapping from middle school through high school. It was after he graduated and went to the Institute of Audio Research (IAR) in NY that he learned more of the art being penning rhymes. The son of a Pastor found his own path in which it not only became and outlet for pain but an opportunity for dreams to come true. In last quater of IAR landed an Internship at Daddy's House Recording Studio, where he didn't just see songs being done, but records being made. Paying dues as an intern allowed him time to be a fly on the wall and observe gathered the tools for him to construct these records himself and Take Off. Now after linking with another IAR grad, building a project that is ahead of its time, but whats needed today. The "S.O.U.L. (Sountrack Of Ur Life)" (Produced by: Chris Hunte) Project is underway and growing daily. "Progress isn't optional it's required in this thing we call life" - Cook The Writer