Cory Carnley

dedicated cigar enthusiast in Gainesville, FL

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Cory Carnley's studies enabled him to obtain accreditation as a tobacconist. Tobacconist qualifications foster an exceptional appreciation for premium cigars and allow the holder to help others select their first cigar and identify their preferences. As luxury cigars are frequently enjoyed with expensive wines or liquors, he eventually obtained certificates in bartending and responsible vending.

Carnley became the youngest member of Cigar Rights of America, a lobbying group for the premium cigar industry, due to his passion for premium cigars. The consumer-based organization aims to safeguard the rights of consumers to enjoy hand-rolled cigars as well as the rights of manufacturers and farmers to create them. In addition to informing members about legislative measures, new products, and events, the group details the top lounges and cigar stores.

Carnley feels that Cigar Rights of America is an influential group and that young adults have a significant role. The more youthful individuals who join an organization, the stronger its influence with lawmakers and the general public. Moreover, he believes that the group provides a unique service to cigar smokers by allowing them to assemble and discuss their interests.

Carnley's hobbies have helped him to build an impressive portfolio of professional abilities.