Cosmin Panait

investment fund manager in NEW YORK, NY

Cosmin Panait

investment fund manager in NEW YORK, NY

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Cosmin Panait is an investment fund manager in New York who has funded a number of private and public companies. His expertise runs the gamut across a variety of industries, including tech, biotechnology, and consumer packaged goods.
Current Role and Duties
Cosmin Panait is currently self-employed at the investment firm he founded. At this family office, he’s responsible for researching, assessing, and analyzing different financial opportunities and potential partnerships.
He relies on his background in capital markets, corporate finance, and mergers & acquisitions to help him make strong decisions that propel the firm’s portfolio forward. His investments include both domestic and international companies looking to gain more traction in the capital markets.
Career History
Panait started his career at MD Global Partners in New York. He was largely focused on PIPEs, debt restructurings, equity facilities, and mergers & acquisitions. Panait identified small to mid-market companies who were in need of capital and successfully managed relationships during every phase of the project.
He learned how to work with attorneys, hedge fund managers, and senior management teams. His time in this role helped him understand the specific challenges of different types of investment and why some deals succeed where others fail.
After finding success in investment banking, he would also work for Paltalk, a video-based social media startup that made it possible for the public to find communities of like-minded individuals based on their interests and hobbies. In this role, Panait helped develop a revenue growth strategy that would help the company connect users with the right virtual environments and increase company ROI.