Courtney Blankenship

recreation in Florida

Read my blog

Living a nomadic lifestyle, I currently reside on the quiet island of Amelia Island. Stuck in an endless daydream of finding a new life exploring the world or as I like to call it "The Pursuit of Outdoor Happiness."

I'm a recent college graduate with a BAS in Outdoor Recreation with a passion for climbing mountains, creative writing, practicing yoga, and pumping iron. I'm happily married to my best friend and own a fur child named Chaco.

My goal is to disconnect from the cookie cutter form of living life day in and day out, supporting the man. Gaining a spiritual connection to the great outdoors and seeking my true self is the pursuit.

I have become so lost in trying to fit into the mold of adulthood. Currently taking the steps to acheive my dreams.

Stay tuned!