Casey Rolape

Casey Rolape

I have “dabbled” in the blogging world in the past. At that time, it was very daunting and overwhelming to me. I would look at other amazing and talented bloggers, whose blogs seemed abundantly more intriguing and complex than mine. It was a bit, OK , a lot intimidating. I slowly fell off the “blogging band wagon”. In addition to quitting blogging due to intimidation, I became convicted because my reasoning for blogging was self-glorifying. I wanted others to read my blogs and think “wow she has it all together” and “what an amazing life she lives.” However, the truth is my life is not all that extraordinary. Besides my 6 month old’s occasional poop explosions, my daily routine is fairly predictable and ordinary.

I foremost want this blog to glorify Jesus. I put a lot of thought into what I would name this blog. I once read, “fruit is the direct result of whatever controls our hearts.” I named my blog Fruitfully Living Life because one, the URL Fruitful Living was already taken and second, I want my “predictable” and “ordinary” life and yes, this blog to reflect the heart of Jesus and through God’s grace, bear fruit . Believe me, I have and still struggle with letting my heart be controlled by things it shouldn’t be controlled by. However, Jesus continues to gently reminded that only by remaining in Him will I bear much fruit.

A few fun facts about me:

1.I’m a Jesus lovin’ gal

2. A wife to an amazing man who is the complete opposite of me {thank goodness or our lives would be completely unbalanced and chaotic}

3.A new(er) mommy to a beautiful baby boy

4. I’m VERY sleep deprived {see above}

5. A part-time Project Manager at our local university

6.I have a love/hate relationship with Diet Coke….please spare me your comments about how diet coke will kill you…..I already know.

7.I love to decorate my home and rearrange furniture

8.I love being with my family {it’s my happy place}

9. I enjoy a good yard sale

10.I want to become DIY savvy

