Chris Tumilty

Anglican Communion’s Head of Photography at Lambeth Conference 2007, Producer of Just Action online video series, Coordinator of the Hands in Healing Youth Pilgrimage, Digital Communications Officer, Missioner for Youth, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.

I have been privileged to have worked for the Diocese of Los Angeles on many projects that stretch across the globe; whether the Diocese is hosting General Convention, Consecrating new Bishops Suffragan, or leading teenagers through the holy sites in Israel/Palestine, the Episcopal Diocese is always welcomed as a joyful leader. As a cradle Episcopalian, I was raised in the Diocese of Los Angles: attending church at Saint Stephen’s Santa Clarita, All Saints Beverly Hills, and St. James’ South Pasadena for much of my youth. Now as a young adult, I explore different churches around the diocese, learning about their programs, struggles, and achievements. Using new technology, digital video, and photography, I work toward the production of quality content with moral value, while facing the struggles of a non-profit/religious organization’s shoe-string budget. The challenge makes it all the more fun for me.


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Interviewing, Branding, Communications, Web Design, Content creation, Event planning, Layout & Design, Photography.