Matt Daigle

CEO in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Matt Daigle

CEO in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Visit my website

Oh, hey! I'm Matt, and I manage a company called Rise. Selfishly or not, I started this venture as a way to solve my own problem - after having renovated a few homes and our first kid being born, I couldn't seem to easily figure out how I could build/renovate in ways that would save us money AND lower our footprint...and so Rise was born.

I have a soft-spot for social entrepreneurship and building businesses that go beyond making money, by doing good (for people and the planet too).

I'm inspired by learning, coffee, my equally entrepreneurial wife, and our unicorn daughters Audrey and Sophie.

When I'm not busy in startup land, I'm usually cooking up a storm, hitting the gym, or catching up on old movies and murder mysteries.

  • Work
    • Rise
  • Education
    • University of New Brunswick
    • St. Thomas University