Kathleen Pratt

A lover of Beauty, in all forms. A musician (voice, piano, flute, drums), poet, writer, communicator. A mediator/negotiator -- classical peace-lover -- attorney by profession. Secret-keeper born under a full moon in Scorpio. The most "intensely extroverted introvert you'll ever know." Loves life. Loves love. Nickname is "Laughing Dakini" (Ha Ha Khandroma) -- female laughing Buddha. It fits. Not afraid of death -- since life and death are one and the same, after all -- and has midwifed many transitions between one and the other. Long time practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism who honors the Divine HeartEssence of all beings whose paths she crosses. Grounded, down to earth, powerful, and delicious. Kind of like a perfect blend of Mexican food, Bhutanese incense, Bollywood dance, and American ingenuity. Oh yes -- and did I mention how much I love water? In all forms -- salty and fresh. Mama Ocean, the Great Lakes, rivulets and streams and ponds and lakes and everything else. I love the water. Sunsets and mountains and trees and forests and beaches and canyons all go without saying. The FullEmpty Silence of what IS goes without saying. In that Space between? Join me there. I promise, we'll have a tremendous amount of fun -- joy, and Love.