Dale Sood
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dale Sood
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
équilibre, créativité, aventure
(balance, creativity, adventure)
Three words, one mantra.
I've made a life of adventure and creativity. Along the way I've discovered the joy of an equally balanced life. As a climber I have travelled the world, attained first ascents, taught and trained burgeoning rock stars, and wrote about it all in climbing publications.
As a cinematographer, producer, & director I chase light and stories. I seek answers, forge ahead in uncharted territories, innovate, and create tapestries of light and colour. My films have been shown in major festivals, in theatres all over the world, and on international broadcast television.
In short, I'm known for fearlessly embracing challenges, creating great ideas, and the ability to get the job done.
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" - Helen Keller