dale meredith
trainer, MCT, and CEH in the United States
As a Microsoft Certified Trainer (since 1998) and a Certified Ethical Instructor, I take great pride in helping students comprehend and simplify complex IT concepts. I have a strong passion for the information I teach. My extensive background in IT management compliments my training skills to ensure concepts and teachings are grounded for real life application. It is a personal priority of mine to maintain personal knowledge and understanding of current trends in training, technology and applications.
Along with my 15+ year experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer I have an additional 7 years of Senior IT Management experience in areas including but not limited to: installation, configuration, security, troubleshooting, and all areas of administrative duties and interoperability in LAN/WAN environments.
Through this experience I have designed, implemented and managed networks using Server 2000/2003/2008, SBS 2000/2003/2011, Exchange 2000/2003/2007/2010, SharePoint 2007/2010 for government agencies and many fortune 500 companies.
Specialties Active Directory, Exchange 5.5 - 2010, Server 2000-2008R2, IIS, SharePoint, Desktop Deployment (WDS/SCCM), Windows XP-7 and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)