Jens Dalsgaard

Web Developer, Project Manager, and Designer in København, Danmark

Jens Dalsgaard

Web Developer, Project Manager, and Designer in København, Danmark

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I have more than 20 years of online marketing experience. Web administration, production of creatives and e-commerce maintenance have always been a central part of the job.

To me, maintaining your online pressence is about setting up expectations, but also about fulfilling these expectations, with happy customers as a result. Therefore, the user experience is as much a part of the success of any platform as the technical solution itself is.

I have worked with search engine optimization (SEO), social media and of course the entire Google universe including Google Places, Google My Business, Google Analytics, Google Ads (former AdWords) and many other digital tools related to being successful online.

I have worked with most shop systems available, from Magento to Shopify and self-develped solutions.

In most e-commerce sites I have created, I have updated the code, written articles and designed creatives and created ad materials in Adobe CS, both as digital and outdoor.

I have built and maintained mailing lists with nearly a million recipients, and of course made landing pages and did conversion optimisation. I am familiar with Mailchimp, and many other mail systems.

I have worked with SharpSpring and Hubspot and implemented automation workflows to keep leads ‘warm’ over time. | | |