Dalton Fuller

Student in Athens, Georgia

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Hello, my name is Dalton Fuller. I am a senior Marketing student at the University of Georgia. I enjoy playing video games and watching movies, and I one day hope to market video games for a living. I love keeping up with the latest trends in technology and following European soccer leagues.

I am from a small town in rural Northwest Georgia, which has given me a love for the outdoors and activities such as hiking, camping, and taking my two dogs out to play.

Video games are my main hobby, and I spend much of my free time playing them, I want to market video games so that I can change the stigma that video games are for children and a waste of time instead of the work of art that they are.

I played sports throughout my entire life, so they continue to be a major part of my life even though I have stopped playing.

So far in class, I have learned a number of good business communication practices since the start of class.

First, I have learned about how to properly word different business memos in order to sound more formal or professional. This includes choosing the correct words, and formatting the memo correctly in order to convey the information in a professional manner.

Second, I learned the different communication channels used in a professional setting, and the information that can be conveyed by each of them. This includes emails, text messages, and even letters, and how each of them differs based on the delivery and expected length of each. For example, you would not use a text message to inform your entire company of news about the company itself, as an email would better suffice.

Third, we began work on our Community Service Learning Project. This included forming our groups, brainstorming and selecting our issue to tackle, and even getting some practice writing a business memo in which we outlined our project and who would be involved.

Fourth, we learned about different business visuals, and how they can be effective in conveying a message better than words can alone. We put this to practice by creating visuals for a mock career fair and then pitching our selected jobs to the each other as potential employees. Lastly, we voted on who we would have went to work for based on their presentation.