Mahesh Damodhar

Director and Cognitive UX Evangelist in Bengaluru, India

Born and raised in Bangalore, I live in this IT capital with my wife and son who is storming into his teens. Working in London provided a great insight to cultures and work-life balance. However, I am happy to be home now.

After being with AOL for almost a decade, I walked into an Indian digital media startup as an exploratory mission. The learnings were beyond expectations. It provided the satisfaction of merging business strategies with technology and design.

My Leadership philosophy is still centered on a simple mantra - collaboration within a team yields more than individual performance bursts.

Today, I feel like a juggler with my web technologies, UX design and social network marketing skills. Glad that my digital camera, gym or an outdoor sport are within reach to unwind.

  • Work
    • MADHouse Life Architects
  • Education
    • Bachelors in Electronics