Dan Copeland
Atlanta, GA
Georgia-based lobbyist providing expertise in Public Affairs, National Corporate Fundraising and guidance in Prospecting for Investor funding for movies.”
He moves confidently through the hall of the State Capitol of Georgia greeting all he meets with a broad smile, handshake and a quick, “How are you?” After nearly thirteen years as an independent lobbyist, Dan Copeland has become a real powerbroker; establishing himself as the person to have working for you on the hill. He makes people and relationships his priority and the focal point in lobbying firm.
Recently, a powerful Atlanta city councilman elicited Dan’s help in pursuing MBE/WBE (women and minority owned-business) legislation guiding the $800+ million in investments for the new football stadium that will be located in the Vine City neighborhood.
On behalf of that councilman and the Vine City community, we were proposing a 40% MBE/WBE good faith minority and zip code-based allotment for the initial construction then life of the servicing projects. Under such a program, if one qualified MBE/WBE contractor or subcontractor is fired, that company must be replaced by another qualified MBE/WBE contractor or subcontractor based in that same zip code.
Additionally, we were asking that contractors and subcontractors employ people utilizing the same zip code restrictions; limiting hiring to persons residing within the Vine City community. To publicize the effort and generate support, Dan enlisted the researching, marketing and communications skills of Dion Wagner. As a result of Dan’s and Dion’s tireless and considerable efforts, a 31% MBE/WBE allotment has been included in the legislation governing the building and servicing of the stadium project.
This and other successful efforts has led “Rolling Out” publisher, Munson Steed to recognize Dan Copeland as the Top African-American Lobbyist in Georgia. His client list has included the Hospital Corporation of America, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, Spelman College, Johnson Controls, Hewlett- Packard, IBM, KPMG, and Hitachi Data Systems. He has been described as proof hard work, sacrifice, and ambition pays off.
Dan also heads up fund-raising for four movie projects: Till Morning, filming in Atlanta GA., Producer Jennifer Harper-6 million; 2, Coffee Clutch Film in Hartford, CT, Producer Charnele Brown- 6 million; The Grand Nubians (TV animation) Atlanta GA. Producer Roger Barnes-1 million www.