Dan Hall

The economy will "TANK" unless people come to know that they can easily go into business for themselves. One simple example is presented at my www.YourName4Freedom.ws | We don't need "jobs" in this Information Age. We need to become employers ourselves. Once we have our own domain, with which we can earn a living from simply becoming Affiliates of the company here that provides the Website Package and using the tools the company provides encouraging others to own their own domain, as our incomes grow we can hire Website Designers, Webmasters, Photographers, Video Editors, Writers and turn this, our Website Package, which we each own... into a wonderful place to call our own. A sort of full media depiction of who we each are, what and where we find joy. A record of our Life, Liberty and our Pursuit of Happiness. I recommend people start simply by creating their domain name as: TheirName4Freedom. TheirName can be whatever, but we can unify around 4Freedom. We can learn and help others learn rather simply this way. OurName4Freedom I have a site I use to help people learn what Affiliate Marketing is at www.DanielHall4Freedom.ws To start up in this takes just minutes. Go to www.YourName4Freedom.ws Dig in deep, as deep as you want around all the information about the product (Website Package), the company, the business opportunity. All this stuff is what the company provides to each of us as their affiliates. Whenever you're ready Sign Up, (you'll be taken to my Account information (registration) form (once you open your account, you'll have yours just like everything else the company provides its affiliates) and as I said, to start out simply make your Username: YourName4Freedom. Whatever you want "YourName" to be. Do likewise when you get to the form entry for Domain Name. Make it the same as your Username: YourName4Freedom This is all very familiar stuff to most of us. Once you open your account YOU will own the domain name you just created and the www link (your domain name URL) will now work for YOU. Send YOUR people to YOUR domain name for them to open an account and creating TheirName4Freedom. That simple process is where we all each earn and earnings are unlimited. There are seven billion people in the world today and those of us becoming financially free through this can assist those who are going through tough times. We can help them learn to do this. We can create, on our 4Freedom dom