Dana Bergman

Staff Development Leader in Rosenfeld, Manitoba, Canada

Dana Bergman

Staff Development Leader in Rosenfeld, Manitoba, Canada

Read my blog

I believe that life long learning is important, and that it is important to consider both philosophical ideas, and practical realities. A goal of mine in any teaching, facilitating, listening, or collaborating opportunity is to walk away with greater knowledge myself and be willing to freely share what is appropriate for discovery for someone else. I believe that practical learning for the success of the people around me is hugely valuable, and this has guided me as a parent, an volunteer administrator of children programs, a softball coach, a workshop facilitator, and as a Staff Development Leader.

I have the following Chinese Proverb on my wall at work and it is a regular reminder to involve those around me in shared learning. It is when we're involved, or engaged, in our learning that we learn more deeply.

"Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand."

You can click the button above to read my blog.

  • Education
    • University of Manitoba
    • Providence College