Daniela Wolf
Computer Research Scientist, Teacher, and Mother in Wien, Österreich
I took my first paid job at the age of 14, stocking shelves at a construction supplies store, and I’ve been making extensive hands-on experiences in many different companies and organizations ever since. From holding positions in the fields of IT, Education, Journalism and Marketing, from working in the IT Training sector for many years to becoming the Head of E-Learning & Web-Support Center at FernFH, the Head of Business Development at Quofox as well as the Project & Management Support for the digital transformation at SPAR Academy and the Project Manager of the Future Learning Lab, I am bringing a wide array of experiences to the table.
In each and every case I take action based on a personal desire. I'm neither thinking about personal success nor about creating a huge business, but about answering a need, a voice, if you will, telling me to create something novel and making the world a little bit better, especially the education for people from lower-education families, refugees, girls and women.
My passion for learning, technology and social processes led me to work on meaningful projects. Therefore, I founded my own organizations techshelikes (to show purpose and impact of tech jobs & women who have taken their lives into their own hands and done differently than society expected from them), Austrian Edupreneurs (to foster EdTech within educational institutions), Welcomingtours (to foster the integration of refugees in their host countries and reduce prejudices), and co-founded refugees{code}, a coding school for refugees.
These times, professionally, I'm doing research at FernFH where I'm also a remote teacher for Research Methods, End-User Training, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Virtual Learning & Working. I also teach Computer Science at a High School.
Besides that, I write for my PhD at TU Graz in the area of technology & computer-science-ed for social change, especially coding/IT schools for women and marginalized groups such as refugees. On techshelikes I used to publish experiences and results about my work, mainly in the EdTech sector, before I transformed it into a female tech platform and podcast in which I’m inviting women to talk about the purpose and impact in their tech jobs as well as their role in tech and society.
Additionally, I enjoy music, photography, traveling, snowboarding, spending time in front of the computer and to write female portraits on Wikipedia.