Danielle Doyle

Stay at home Mom in Cantonment, Florida

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My outlook on myself & life changed when God placed Carrie in my life. I wasn't looking for change. I was content sitting around being a housewife and mother. That’s until I started following Carrie and, WOW, did she light a fire under me! I realized I wasn't content. Was I happy? Absolutely! But I spent most of my free time on the couch watching TV. I watched every series you can think of. Is this really who I am? Am I living my best life? These are questions Carrie caused me to ask myself. Life is great, yes, but why not help and inspire people like I once wanted to do. I always wanted to be someone’s inspiration but I never knew how to actually do it. Until now! I want to wake up in the morning, bring my boys to school, and not crawl back into bed! I want to get up, get dressed, and make something of my day! I’m seeing results and loving the changes. I want to do something rewarding and fulfilling. My husband says he works hard so I don’t have to. That’s true, but how great to contribute financially to our household doing something that inspires and motivates me. 🖤