Dan Brown

Male Model and Strength Coach in West Palm Beach, Florida

View my portfolio

After almost a decade of athletics, playing everything from football and soccer to baseball and swimming; I strove to find a field that would once again instill that competitive desire to push my body to the limits. During that search I found modeling, a challenging new endevour. At first it was just a hobby, but now I have found a new passion.

Part fashion, part show, part advertising, all art.

In the face of a bewitching industry, I'm pursuing my passion for art. While it is be easy to be hypnotized by the glitz or the glamour, or enthralled by the allure of fast fame; I seek the simplest goal, to create images that inspire. I want to inspire laughter, smile, tears, dreams, pondering thoughts, and ultimately an idea that provokes someone to do more or be more than they thought they could.

Moving Forward...

That's where mind's eye is continually set, the future. In the past even though I have done paid runway shows and photoshoot, I never let this distract me from the greater goal of perfecting my craft. I love working on new or avante gard projects pushing the bonds of fashion and my fears. Maybe this simplest phrase discribes it all, let's make art.

  • Work
    • Gains Warrior Fitness
  • Education
    • Tulane University