Danny Du

I'm Danny Du. I was born in Taiwan to a family with a notorious Shanghai mafia history, raised in Swaziland, naturalised South African, became a Springbok supporter with Nelson Mandela, married a Finnish born woman and relocated to Australia 17 years ago.

I'm an art director by trade, but a designer at heart. I have worked in design, branding, advertising and I care about ideas, communication, collaboration, honesty, humility and good single malts. I've never pretended to be a fashion photographer or attempted to be a copywriter but have a good eye for composition and know how to tell a compelling visual story.

I own an iPad, an iPod, an iPhone, an iMac and am currently working on iLife. I've had the privilege of working with some of the best and the brightest on four continents including South Africa, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Japan and China. And I've also been asked to fetch the coffee.
I've failed big and I've won big in almost every medium in the 25 years of my career. That means I've made banners in analogue and digital, created and activated brands, designed 2D and built 3D experiences and done a couple ad campaigns on the side.

I am a believer of client & agency partnerships with no layers and more collaboration for an integrated solution and have worked with Grapplegroup, DDB Needham, Hunt Lascaris TBWA, Isis Design @ George Patterson Bates, Du Brothers, The Brand Union, Blue Hive and on the brand side at IBM.

Prior to returning to Australia, I was the Creative Director at The Brand Union; Ogilvy (WPP) based in Shanghai, and the Executive Creative Director at IBM User Experience Business Unit for Shanghai Expo 2010.

I currently work with brands such as Ford and Lincoln with Blue Hive, IBM with Text100 and a bunch of independent brands in a variety of industries. I am based in Sydney but my heart is in the world.

Specialties: UX, Advertising, Design & Branding