Danny Dalloul
Student in Athens, GA
Danny Dalloul
Student in Athens, GA
My name is Danny Dalloul and I’m an intended Finance major here at the University of Georgia. From an early age, I’ve maintained a passion for entrepreneurship, inspiring me to work towards going into the business world. In elementary school, I would sell baseball and football cards to my classmates at recess, much to the chagrin of my teachers. I would make as much as $20 per recess and lunch period, a fortune to a 3rd grader, all of which went right back into purchasing more inventory. As trivial as it all was, I loved the feeling of committing to a passion, dedicating time and effort towards it, and being rewarded for my work. Since my 3rd grade hustle, I have become committed to my passion for entrepreneurship and have greatly enjoyed my short time at the University of Georgia polishing this passion. My dad always says, “if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” So, while I want to avoid putting myself in a box in regards to my career aspirations, I know that I can use my innovation and passion for the hustle-and-bustle of the business world to find something I truly love.