Danny K

Life Coach, Chef, and Musician in the United States

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Hello and welcome to my page!

I'm interested in most anything for at least a short amount of time. Lately I've been focusing on reducing our environmental footprint, zero waste initiatives, activism, non-violence, spirituality, doing good work and living in community. We've got a lot of power, influence and responsibility being at the top of the food chain and all. It's time to move the species forward and pick up where those counter culture folks left off in the 60s.

In harmony with the earth, working and living consciously. People before profit. That's what matters to me.

If you want to talk or share ideas, revolutionary or not, feel free to reach out.

If you are interested in software, tech and startups, I do some of that stuff too. I'm currently an instructor for General Assembly, teaching the Web Development Immersive course.

My previous work and startup adventures include software engineering at Batchbook, co-founding Bundio.com ( Publish digital content bundles - earn recurring revenue ), working on MusicTown ( connecting the local music scene around southern New England ), co-founding Insightpool ( social media management software ), founding Miracle Ticket ( buy and sell your event tickets ), to name a few.

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  • Work
    • Bundio
  • Education
    • University of Georgia