Darren Moore

Fort Worth, Texas

I’m a lawyer and I focus my practice on helping nonprofits.

Nonprofit organizations use imagination and hard work to address needs that so often go unmet (or at least not fully met) by the private sector or the government. I have the privilege of working with these organizations to address their legal needs so that they can stay focused on mission. Needless to say, I’m pretty lucky to get to do what I do.

I practice at the Fort Worth, Texas law firm of Bourland, Wall & Wenzel, P.C. I am incredibly fortunate to work with smart and hardworking colleagues. I am even more fortunate to get to work with clients who are innovating, compassionate, skillful, committed, and all around good folks. I also have the privilege of teaching a class on the law of nonprofits at Baylor Law School.

  • Work
    • Bourland, Wall & Wenzel, P.C.
  • Education
    • Texas A&M University
    • Baylor Law School