Daulat Ram

Personal Trainer in Bhopal, India

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Daulat ram is diversified group of construction companies

Daulat ram industries have more than 40 years experience in Rail Coach Solutions, Casting Solution and Motor Solutions. Mr Saish Nath Sharma,is a mechanical engineer .He started his working at the respectully manner by being an ancillary unit of BHEL. Now a days in four cities has got seven manfacturing units across the country.

Today our company has a sales turnover more than 30 million USD with the help of more than 350 workforce. daulat ram is currently a leading supplier of foremost all diversity of DYNAMIC BRAKING SYSTEMS for DIESEL & ELECTRIC Locomotives to Indian railways along with many other products with maintain a successfully relationship to all customers and suppliers etc.

Our roof Mounted AC Package easily maintains the temperature and humidity to the comfort level inside the air conditioners for passenger coaches.


Daulat Ram Industries Group

10 - E, Industrial Area, Govindpura,

Bhopal - 462023 (MP) - India

Telephone: 0755-4085700 - 30

Mobile 08982027664

FAX:+(+91 755) 2783452

E-mail: [email protected]

Website : http://www.daulatram.in/