Daveena Colwell

I am an aspiring student affairs professional with a love for higher education.

I love traveling and try do something new whenever I get the chance. My most recent travel/new activity was participating in an Alternative Winter Break to Biloxi, Mississippi with 12 amazing students. Nothing teaches you more about yourself than participating in community service.

One of my major projects are the Involvement Fairs. They are multi-faceted events that help students become aware of opportunities to become involved on campus and allows student organizations to show what they're all about.

Take a look at what students think about the Involvement Fair: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnm4onhYLGI

Fun facts about me: My favorite number is 7 because I have 7 letters in my first, middle, and last name, I was born on a 11/7 weighing 7/11...that's lucky.

  • Work
    • Rutgers University
  • Education
    • Douglass College
    • Rutgers University