David Adamson
Creatively minded strategist with a background in multichannel branding, integrated communications and a passion for great ideas.
Experienced with local and global clients over FMCG, banking and retail industries including Barclays, Marks & Spencer, adidas, Mikado, Cheestrings, Benecol and Cadbury.
Graduated “Top Dog” of Miami Ad School’s Account Planning Bootcamp, won top spot with a team of industry peers at the IPA’s “Strategic Thinking” residential and a finalist in the Ad Association’s inaugural ‘Last One Standing’ debate hosted by Google and Rory Sutherland.
I'm also passionate about mentoring and helping young people starting out in the creative industries.
Miami Ad School blog and portfolio:
- http://davidadamson.wix.com/davidadamson
- thehogwartsofadvertising.tumblr.com