David Gaertner
Assistant Professor in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
David Gaertner
Assistant Professor in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
David Gaertner is a settler scholar of German descent and an Assistant Professor in the First Nations and Indigenous Studies Program at the University of British Columbia. His research and teaching investigate new media and digital storytelling within a decolonial framework. He has also published articles on reconciliation, Indigenous literature, experimental theatre, and typography.
David's most recent work, “Indigenous in Cyberspace: CyberPowWow, God’s Lake Narrows and the Challenges of Creating Indigenous Territory in Cyberspace” is published in the American Indian Culture and Research Journal. This term (Winter 2016) he is teaching FNIS 401F: Indigenous New Media and FNIS 210: Indigenous Politics.
David is currently at work on his first book, A Landless Territory: Theorizing Indigenous Cyberspace and is the co-editor of Read, Listen, Tell: Indigenous Literature from Turtle Island.